Chelsea & Rachel Co. - - Today's problem-solving digital marketing team!

Chelsea and Rachel…a perfectly balanced team.
Well, here we are. It’s December already and the New Year is just around the corner.
The coming year has special significance for the Digital Marketing firm of Chelsea and Rachel Co. The year 2019 holds the promise of being the best year yet for this fast-rising team of web design, digital marketing, and eCommerce superstars.
But before we get into an overview of their 2018 achievements and success stories, and a look at what’s in store for the coming year, let’s take a moment to reintroduce this dynamic team.
Meet one-half of the Team
The Chelsea of Chelsea & Rachel Co. is Chelsea Jones, co-founder. She is from a small mountain town in southern California. Her formative years were spent in the Los Angeles region of California and as a teenager, she had a job that most youths only dream about—working in a chocolate factory.
She graduated from Pepperdine University in 2007 and began her professional career as a project manager and graphic designer for a media advertising agency in Thousand Oaks, CA.
Chelsea began working in web and graphic design as a freelancer while living in southwestern Colorado. An opportunity to work on the startup of the charliecurls.com company in early 2015 with her cousin in Florida was the catalyst for the creation of Chelsea & Rachel Co.
Now living in the Denver, Colorado area with her husband of eight years and their two children, she serves as proof that it is possible to be a full-time wife, mom, and entrepreneur.
Chelsea’s experience and skills.

She has worked in the design industry for over 10 years, but with the creation of their digital marketing company, Chelsea & Rachel Co., she has broadened her skills and expertise to include sales and marketing, business communications, and website development.
Her imagination and resourcefulness in designing websites have enhanced her abilities to develop innovative solutions for all types of unique digital marketing issues. Whether it be in the design and development of a startup business or solving problems in an existing business site that hasn’t lived up to expectations. Chelsea’s distinctive ability to connect with her clients enables her to sit down with them, understand their needs and wants, to absorb their brand, and create the perfect marketing solution.
Being a self-learner, Chelsea is determined to be continuously abreast of the trends, changes, and innovations in eCommerce and is adept at applying newly learned key principles to the client’s website to keep it competitive.
Designing and developing eCommerce websites with SEO (search engine optimization) in mind is critical in today’s aggressive digital marketing experience. Optimization is where Chelsea’s talents truly reveal their value. With much skill, and with success foremost in her thinking and planning, she can create a product that will deliver vital search results and, in turn, successfully drive traffic to the business site. It’s a very competitive process, but Chelsea has the ability to do it confidently.
Chelsea’s heartfelt passion and desire to help others achieve their dreams is what truly drives her efforts. People-oriented and an enthusiastic listener, she can relate to their clients in a way that lets her design and develop for emotion…appealing to the feelings of, not only the client but also the client’s target audience.
She describes herself and her efforts by the following term:
meraki… a Greek word that describes doing something with soul, creativity, or love—when you put something of yourself into your work.
The other half of this astounding Team.

And now for the Rachel of Chelsea & Rachel Co. That would be Rachel Saul of the Tampa Bay, Florida area.
Rachel is a native of the Tampa Bay region. She attended the University of South Florida and began her journey into the marketing world as a marketing coordinator at a Tampa Bay area Chamber of Commerce. She is married and has four children and she too has found the perfect balance in being wife, mother and an entrepreneurial mom.
She began her career in civic marketing and progressed into advertising as a senior account executive for a number of Tampa Bay area hospitality and technology businesses.
And though Rachel began her career specializing in marketing and advertising, like Chelsea when they began their digital marketing agency, she expanded her knowledge base to include marketing strategy, digital communications, and email marketing platforms. Rachel also specializes in working with ManyChat in building Facebook Messenger bots used in online marketing techniques.
Rachel’s forte.
As a digital marketing strategist, Rachel is keen to analyze and prioritize customer needs to determine precisely which course of action should be taken to reach the customer’s goals. Just loading a marketing campaign up with a bunch of flashy visuals and colorful bells and whistles is not in Rachel’s repertoire.
Rachel knows that a marketing strategy begins with market research: thorough research reveals the target audience and much more. And through ongoing learning, Rachel is constantly in-tune with the latest concepts and by utilizing multi-channel marketing techniques she can develop a comprehensive plan and execute it to perfection.
Boiled down, a strategy is a plan of action. It’s a plan to achieve a pre-determined goal. A strategy can involve multiple goals, which indicates that a strategy should be flexible. Rachel has a passion for thinking out of the box and expanding boundaries in an effort to create adaptable strategies that will maximize the effect of all the marketing tools at her disposal.
Working with their client, Rachel helps to establish their value proposition. This is a statement that summarizes why customers should buy their product or service. This statement then becomes the core value she uses to create a digital marketing strategy. The strategy then includes the value proposition, key marketing message, and information on target customers among other key elements.
Any marketing tool Rachel then puts into the plan, from organic or paid advertising to a social media campaign, is judged by how well it conveys the value proposition.
Rachel’s creed is a famous quote by a former U.S. President;
“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory or defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt
New, but Powerful!
The descriptions above don’t even begin to reveal all the particulars that go into developing, implementing, and administering an eCommerce business on the internet.
The team of Chelsea and Rachel, in a very short period relative to other marketing agencies, have achieved an uncommon level of success by investing their time and talents into learning the skills to successfully compete in the eCommerce field.
Beginning in 2015 with the startup charliecurls.com, they have boldly and successfully grown into a full-service digital marketing firm representing and managing more than twenty clients across the U.S. and into Australia.
2018 in review.
2018 has been a banner year for Chelsea & Rachel Co. With many of their clients realizing a 40% increase in sales through Chelsea and Rachel’s marketing campaigns, it was truly an exciting year. But hitting their projected growth numbers as an agency was arguably the biggest achievement.
The team worked to strengthen their knowledge base and became more focused toward successful campaign development by implementing the skills they learned. It is an awesome sense of accomplishment to empower small businesses to succeed by utilizing learned skills and tools that have a major impact.
New markets and Shopify.
They have established their presence in Colorado…especially in the Denver metro area. Denver is an entrepreneur’s mecca and the competition is impressive. But through persistent effort, keeping their focus on their customers, they are now an established digital marketing agency in Colorado.
All digital marketing services have a niche…something they specialize in. Chelsea and Rachel are Shopify experts. Shopify is one of the leading eCommerce platforms for online business owners around the globe. They are specialists at creating, launching, and maintaining your business on the Shopify platform on the internet and guiding it to a rewarding success.
A short plug for Shopify.
There are different levels of the Shopify platform. Beginning small business owners often select the most popular plan, Shopify. It’s the ideal place to begin your eCommerce journey. But as your business grows and marketing becomes more of a concern, then moving up to the Advanced Plan, and ultimately the Shopify Plus Plan is the way to go. And Chelsea & Rachel Co can make it happen.
Shopify Plus is the enterprise level platform. It provides you with the resources to focus on things like marketing and design, as contrasted with simply order management. Your business site is fully hosted, with no transaction fees, and 200 TB of storage capacity is sufficient to handle the healthiest business.
Nearly half of Chelsea & Rachel Co. clients utilize a version of Shopify. Listen to what one of them, Wallaroo Hat Company of Boulder, CO., had to say about working with Chelsea and Rachel.
“Chelsea and Rachel strive for excellence through patience, flexibility, and problem-solving. We were looking for a web team that we could collaborate with, share ideas and feedback. We did not want to be “handcuffed” by our web team. After my first conversation with Chelsea, I could tell that she was the type of partner we were looking for. Chelsea and Rachel care about your business as much as you do. They are Shopify experts, leaders in design and digital marketing. If you are looking for a team to take you to the next level, I strongly recommend working with Chelsea and Rachel Co.” https://wallaroohats.com/
Another success story for Chelsea and Rachel involves an entrepreneurial mom and her daughter who took a simple idea and turned it into a rewarding business experience. With the guidance and support of Chelsea & Rachel Co., the small business ventured into the eCommerce world and are now recognized coast-to-coast for their healthy snack idea. So, listen to what another Boulder business owner has to say about her experience working with Chelsea and Rachel:
“Chelsea & Rachel have been instrumental in the success of our Shopify site and eCommerce health as a whole. They are a great team helping us address eCommerce with a multi-pronged approach of optimizing our site as well as managing and providing consulting across all the various ways traffic is coming in, from email marketing and lead generation to SEO and paid search/social. It’s great having the breadth of services from high-level strategy to tactical execution.” https://eatbobos.com/
The Denver area is in a retail boom, especially for the small business entrepreneur. And for Chelsea and Rachel, 2018 was the perfect opportunity to expand their digital marketing influence in the Denver community.
But that was just the beginning. 2019 will rock!
2019…and beyond.
Chelsea and Rachel are anxious and excited about the coming year…2019 holds so much promise. They are just now starting to hit their stride, so it’s time to push the envelope some more.
Key to their motivation to provide unparalleled service to their clients is the fact that they want to share with others the values and beliefs that they themselves treasure.
The concepts and ideas of digital marketing that they believe in, and are truly excited about, are the ideas they want to share with their clients, enabling their clients to achieve new levels of success.
Team Goals.
Some of the goals that have been established so far include;
Continuing education: Digital marketing is continually evolving, and to stay in the game, they must push themselves to constantly learn and be aware of the key principles and practices that are having an effect in the eCommerce marketplace.
Implement new technology into their marketing strategies and to be adept at all the new tools and apps that impact eCommerce.
The Denver region is in need of more Shopify certified digital marketing specialists and their goal for 2019 is to become the go-to agency in the region.
Double the number Shopify Plus business clients, not only in the Denver market but across the nation and abroad—creating businesses on the Shopify eCommerce platform that create a wow factor.
Develop a series of Podcasts aimed at the entrepreneurial mom—provide a tool to empower them to realize their dreams. Many stay-at-home-moms have ideas and visions that just need a vehicle to help launch them toward success.

Serving Others.
Above all else, Chelsea and Rachel want to be the model agency that exemplifies all that is good about being a small business owner and having the ability to achieve one’s dreams.
As an agency with a servants heart, they strive to make those dreams come true for their clients by focusing on the customer’s needs—that’s the true key to success. By staying true to the principles and ideals of marketing, Chelsea and Rachel deliver a product that is second to none.
Being problem solvers who create solutions that deliver results, Chelsea & Rachel Co. is capable of building your business into one that not only achieves your dreams and expectations but delivers to your customers precisely the product or service they are looking for. And, to keep them coming back!