Twitter and Your Business

Twitter and Your Business

How Twitter Works

Twitter is an online news and social media platform abundant with hashtags and tweets of 140 characters. With short tweets, people can say what they need to say in a short and sweet message. Tweets can be made private or public; public allows for them to be retweeted by others. Retweeting allows for more people to see your content and become more aware of you, your business, and your brand. There are many benefits that Twitter can provide your business. It is more than just a social media platform to flood with hashtags and random tweets. When Twitter and your business come together, you can use it to your advantage and gain a larger audience.

How Can Twitter Help Your Business?

1. Increase customer satisfaction

Twitter is always updated in real time, so your customers always see your tweets when they are posted. Content that shows up in the Facebook feed is not always in real time, possibly showing things that were posted days ago instead of recently. On Twitter, your audience is sure to always stay updated and informed on what you are offering.

2. Keep up with competitors

With real time, you can follow any competitors and monitor what is/is not making them successful. You are aware of what they are offering and could potentially collaborate with them on certain projects. As a business, you can stay updated on latest trends and dos and don’ts.

3. Effective Communication

When people retweet or reply to your business’ tweets, you can effectively communicate with various clients or potential clients. Real time allows you to see them and respond ASAP. This shows your audience that you are quick to respond and that you care about your audience because you take the time talk to them individually.

Twitter & Digital Marketing

When it comes to digital marketing, there is a lot that Twitter can do to make sure you are marketing effectively. One big thing Twitter is capable of is reaching new audiences. If you are active on other social media platforms and Twitter is a new one for your business, you have the potential to reach a whole new audience that you did not reach before. This allows you to become more well known and spread your brand to further corners of the Internet. With Twitter, you can also drive people to your business website. Twitter only allows bursts of 140 characters so you cannot convey as much information. Fortunately, this can be a hook for your audience which can then bring them to your business website for them to learn more. These hooks are perfect for a newer audience so that they can discover you and become more familiar with your business, its brand, and services.

Utilize Twitter to get feedback that could improve your business. After you have performed a particular service, asking questions and using hashtags can help you to learn where you need improvements and what you are doing well.
Events for your business can be advertised very well with tweets. Use hashtags and include important information in the short bursts to inform your audience. Whether you are having a meet & greet, a sale event, or even a Q&A, Twitter can help you to get the information out to a large audience. Another big thing you can do on Twitter for your business is tweet regularly and interact often. Reply to those who ask questions or make comments, retweet the positive comments, and tweet information about your business. When you are actively involved, your business can gain a lot of activity from Twitter alone.

Start Tweeting Today

Twitter can be more for your business than just another social media platform. There are many different ways it can help your business grow and improve daily. Increase customer satisfaction, communicate effectively, and keep tabs on your competitors.

When you use Twitter correctly, your business is sure to become more successful.

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